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For Individuals

Your Development - Your Freedom


What does my inner belief and value system look like? What are my strengths, and which professional roles are matching them? What are my development areas? What could be my next career move and what kind of environment do I need to flourish? Let us explore with Profile Dynamics® - a professional assessment that goes beyond superficial tools!

Horse Supported Coaching

Horses are herd and flight animals. This makes extremely sensitive to body language. They are reflecting your non-verbal signals completely honest without any agenda. Together with your professional coach you will find out exciting things about yourself and improve your self-leadership - hence your leadership overall!


What are my unconscious patterns and how are they blocking my growth? How do I turn conflicts in my life into a helpful energy to deepen relationships? All you need is in you. It is already there but sometimes blocked. Coachings can provide the magic wand to let blocks disappear; if you are willing to let go... Let us talk about your needs!

Purpose & Career Alignment

What is my purpose in life? How can I connect it with my job? What is missing in my life? What are my drivers? Which environment do I need to flourish? Let us find out with tools such as Big5, Disney Method, Ikigai, Transactional Analysis, etc. and co-create a plan for you! 

Interview Training

How can I improve my impact in job interviews and improve my CV? A highly experienced professional interviewer will conduct a job interview with you. Afterwards you receive a comprehensive feedback with clear improvement suggestions to improve your CV and make your next job interview not only a success but a great experience for you!  

Get in Touch


Inzlingertrasse 238

4125 Riehen

+41 (76) 48 25 883

+49 (170) 55 67 944

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